Free Tools

Keyword Suggestion Tool

This tool will show you approximately how many daily searches your keywords would get


Alexa Rank Comparison Tool

Alexa Traffic History Graph allows you to create a traffic history graph for any site.


Class C Checker

This Class C Checker tool allows you to check if some sites are hosted on the same Class C IP Range.


Code to Text Ration

Code to Text Ratio represents the percent of the text in web page.


Domain Age Check

Use this tool to find the age of a domain.


Site map generator

This free tool will crawl your website and generate a ROR Sitemap with up to 1,000 URLs for ALL search engines, not just Google. .


Future PageRank

This tool will query Google’s various data-centers to check for any changes in PageRank values for a given URL.


Google Dance Future PageRank

This tool will query Google’s 3 main web servers, showing the different statuses during updates. Watch Google Dance


Google vs Yahoo

This tool will run a search query in Google and Yahoo search engines and then graphically compare the results.


Indexed Pages

This tool will return the total link count for each URL from major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alta Vista, and AlltheWeb).


Multiple Datacenter Keyword Position Check

This tool will help you to find the position for specific keyword/phrase in Google indexed for your site.


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